You can find these books at your local bookstore or library.
A Silent Sorrow, Pregnancy Loss: Guidance and Support for You and Your Family
Active Birth by Sheila Kitzinger
Birth Your Way by Sheila Kitzinger
Carrying A Little Extra by Bernstein, Clark and Levine
Easing Labor Pain by Adrienne B. Leiberman
Gentle Birth Choices by Barbara Harper, R.N.
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Sarah Buckley
L'Mazeltov by Pamela S. Nadav, NP
Miscarriage: Woman Sharing from the Heart
Near Mama's Heart by Colleen Newman
Permission to Mother by Denise Punger, MD
The Naturally Healthy Pregnancy by Shonda Parker
The New Jewish Baby Book by Anita Diamant
The Nurturing Touch at Birth by Paulina Perez
The Premature Baby Book by The Sears Library
The Simple Guide to Having a Baby by Whalley, Simkin and Keppler
The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer
The Womanly Art Of Breastfeeding by La Leche League
What If I Have A C-Section? by Rita Rubin
Wise Woman Herbal Childbearing Year by Susun S. Weed
Your 2nd Pregnancy by Katie Tamony