Whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, or not you might enjoy this pancake recipe. Maybe you didn’t make it to the market and are without eggs or milk, or some other ingredient you usually use to make pancakes. Don’t fret you can still make them…unless of course you don’t have flour.
My mother in-law keeps to a strict vegan diet, so I need to know how to prepare foods a few different ways for those times when my in-laws are visiting, or when we’re visiting them and I’m bringing a dish. I found the following recipe online by snikerdoodle1717 for vegan pancakes at http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070106094003AAjE0wH, I liked it and wanted to share it with my readers.
Pancakes by skikerdoodle
You can add chocolate chips, blueberries, strawberries, or even a bit of mashed banana to alter the taste.
1 cup flour (whichever kind you prefer)
2 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup soy milk (or regular milk)
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Set out all your ingredients.
Set a stove element with a pan to medium heat.
Combine the 4 dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder, salt) in a bowl.
Add the soy milk and vegetable oil to your mixture.
Mix until smooth.
Now the pan should be ready for your batter, so spoon one pancakes' worth of the mixture into the pan. Flip [carefully] when you see bubbles in the middle of the pancake, or if the edges are looking stiffened. Repeat until the batter is gone.
The last few posts were recipes. Are you only going to post recipes now? Not that I'm coplaining, but I am confused. Are you transitioning into a recipe blog? What's up?
Thanks for asking. No, I'm not transitioning into a recipe blog. However, I do post information that I know, and think, my readers will be interested in.
Recipes are helpful to moms and dads, as well as extended family and sometimes even friends, who will be cooking and preparing different foods for children, and families. It is my intention that the recipes I share provide alternative ways to use ingredients that we use daily, or weekly, to bring some variety to our menus. But also to help introduce foods that we either haven't tried or do not eat often into our weekly and monthly menus.
There are health benefits to eating a variety of foods. Maintaining good eating habits helps insure we are getting the nutrients we, and our family, need to be healthy. Children tend to have a broader pallet when they are exposed to different foods, or foods prepared in different ways.
I will continue to post information concerning the 'birth year', i.e., pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, postpartum adjustments, postpartum blues/depression, etc.; as well as training information for the professionals who read my blog.
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