Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The Father's Role During Conception, Pregnancy & Birth

3 Part Teleseminar
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NOTE: The information contained in this teleseminar is intended to help people prepare for conscious conception and birth. It will have its strongest impact when reaching future parents well before they conceive their children.

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Aloha friends and family!

Birth of a New Earth is pleased to announce it’s first worldwide educational seminar designed specifically to empower men and to educate the public about the important role of the father during the childbearing year.

This groundbreaking series will begin on Thursday, March 10, 2011, and will run for three consecutive Thursdays at 1PM Hawaii time, 4PM U.S. Pacific, 7PM U.S. Eastern.

The series will explore the father’s role during the entire primal period — from the preconception and conception phases of childbirth, through pregnancy, birth, and beyond. We will examine how western culture is undermining the potency of men by alienating them from the birth process and belittling the role they need to play in bringing forth new life. We will discuss how medical professionals are usurping the father’s role during pregnancy and birth and the myriad ways this is contributing to a breakdown in family love worldwide.

In addition, we will also take a close look at the social construction of masculinity and male sexuality as they are being expressed in western societies. We will discuss the ways in which the current definition of “manhood” is not only wounding our men, but also undermining the potential for healthy male/female relationships and for powerful, love-filled, conception experiences for ourselves and our children.

Finally, we will explore why the healing of the masculine is essential for the preservation of love in our families and discuss how men can reclaim their divine masculine potency and step into their power as partners and as fathers.

Cost for the three-part series is $33. To register, please follow this link:


PLEASE NOTE: All calls will be 90 minutes in length and will be offered via teleconference and available worldwide (with a telephone and/or internet skype connection). FOR THOSE WITH SCHEDULING CONFLICTS, ALL CALLS WILL BE RECORDED AND AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT THE LISTENER’S CONVENIENCE.

For more information, please contact: jeanicebarcelo@yahoo.com.

Please help spread the word.


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